
주요 음대(클래식) 오디션 정보

The Juilliard School 에세이 정보

JUilliard 에세이는 전공별로 조금씩 다르니 확인 후 진행 필요함. 아래 것은 Violin BM 에세이 입니다. 


Choose one of the following topics:

  • 1) Many artists experience a moment that crystallizes their career goals. Describe what that moment was for you. Be specific and tell us how that moment continues to influence your artistic and academic work to this day.
  • 2) All young artists must balance competing priorities in their lives, and it can be challenging at times to know how to focus one's energy. Being as specific as possible, how have you balanced your artistic work with other responsibilities such as your academic class work, social life, family, etc.? How would you work to maintain that balance as a Juilliard student (2019학년 삭제됨)
  • 3) The Cambridge Dictionary defines integrity as “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles,” as well as “wholeness and unity.” How would you define artistic integrity for yourself and your art form?
기타 편입생이거나 다녔던 학생이거나, 현재 학생이 재 지원시 추가로 에세이 준비해야함. 주제는 2~3년만다 조금씩 변경됩니다. 

상호: 유명유학원 | 대표자: 배일용 | 주소 : 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 313 성지하이츠1차 1214호 (역삼동 702-13 우. 06151)
Tel. 02-3478-0515 | E-mail. iybae85@naver.com
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